English-taught degrees expand rapidly across Taiwan
Explore how Taiwan’s National Taiwan University is setting the stage for global education with its new English-taught International School of Politics and Economics, aiming to attract international students and enhance local talent.2024/05/10 16:24 -
臺美合作新進展 北醫、AIT明年開雙語師培工作坊
臺北醫學大學昨(14日)接待來訪的美國在臺協會(AIT) 文化新聞組文化官馬明遠(Luke Martin)及美國國務院英語教育辦公室區主任卡琳.貝萊斯(Dr. Carleen Velez)等外賓。雙方就臺美雙語教育合作進行交流討論,明年起北醫也將與AIT展開EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction)雙語師培計畫,全面提升教師的全英語教學能力2022/11/15 12:00